Temperature-Aware Integrated Circuit Design for Smart Vehicle Applications
Pietro Maris Ferreira
Dia: 23 de agosto de 2017 Hora: 13:00 Local: H322 - Auditório do PEE
The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought the need for novel studies to conform to its extensive requirements, driven specifically by the Smart Vehicle industry. Smart vehicles must be able to efficiently sense and communicate with other nearby vehicles, including car, buses and trucks. European research council has been investing in Green Cities research subjects in Horizon 2020. Moreover, French government has fixed to 2040 the stop sale of petrol/diesel cars in favors to electric automobiles. For obvious reasons, the design and specification of microelectronic circuits, which are used in these applications, are regulated by many strict security and safety standards. Reliability and robustness in the device operation must be ensured for harsh environments, including the required operating temperature range from -40 °C to 175 °C. This temperature range is arguably the most difficult environment challenge for electronics in the automotive industry. This seminar will discuss how microelectronics can meet the IoT challenge in smart vehicles, integrating high performance electronics over a wide temperature range. Industrial trends in smart vehicles applications will be presented. Academia opportunities in CentraleSupelec – Université Paris-Saclay will be highlighted.
Pietro Maris Ferreira (S'03-SG'06-M'12) received the B.Sc. cum lauda and the M.Sc. degrees from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil in 2006 and 2008, respectively; and the Ph.D. degree from the Télécom ParisTech, France, in 2011, all in electronic engineering. He has been IEEE volunteer since 2003; being UFRJ IEEE Student Branch chairman in 2005 and 2006; working in R9 CAS Chap. of Rio de Janeiro from 2005 to 2007; and participating in ISCAS 2010 local arrangements held by R8 CAS Chap. of France. Researching high-performance high-reliability circuits and systems, he joined IM2NP lab. (UMR CNRS 7334) for one year and IEMN lab. (UMR CNRS 8520) for two years during his tenure track. Since 2014, he has been with GeePs lab. (UMR CNRS 8507) as Associated Professor of the Dep. of Electronic Systems of CentraleSupélec at Université Paris-Sacla.